Significant Changes (MSC)
Quarterly Monitoring Chart (QMC)
This page focuses on the MSC approach for monitoring. Additionally you can find descriptions of a simple
planning tool, QMC, as developed by Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke and its
partner organisations.

An online bibliography about the Most
Significant Change TechniquePrepared by Rick Davies. Click on the picture to access webpage.
The Most
Significant Change TechniqueManual from the Equal Access Network, 2011
The manual is based on the manual below.
It is shorter and drawing on a research project in Nepal.
Click on the picture to download the manual as an PDF file

Rick Davies and Jess Dart: The 'Most
Significant Change' (MSC) Technique
A Guide to Its Use, Version 1.00 - April 2005 (Web published by MandE
News, UK)
A comprehensive, user friendly, and hands-on treatise of experiences
gained during a decade.
A must for the practitioner!
Read here:
Link to 'MandE News': Miscellaneous

Peter Sigsgaard: Doing Away With Predetermined Indicators:
Monitoring using the Most Significant Changes Approach
in: Lucy Earle (ed.): Creativity and Constraint, INTRAC, Oxford 2004
Read here: Doing Away
Peter Sigsgaard: Monitoring without
an ongoing testing of the MSC approach
Evaluation Journal of Australasia, Vol. 2 (new series), No. 1, August
Article; the
why and
how of Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke's
experiments with MSC
Read here:
Peter Sigsgaard: MSC Pilot Report MS-Zambia 2001
The Most Significant Change exercise was undertaken as a pilot by MS-Denmark in collaboration with
MS-Zambia in late April to early May 2001. The exercise aimed at assessing the workability and
appropriateness of the approach as an alternative and/or supplementary monitoring and evaluation tool. Ten
partners were visited in Southern and Eastern Provinces of Zambia (see annex I). These included
community based organisation, district council, national non-governmental Organisations, civil society
Read the draft report here:
MSC Pilot Report Zambia
Peter Sigsgaard: Impact Monitoring Without
Indicators. MSC Pilot Study in Mozambique
June 2001Another pilot exercise undertaken by MS-Denmark.
Read the draft report here:
Impact Monitoring Without Indicators
Fontes (with support from Ricardo Wilson-Grau and Rick Davies):
How do you DOEN? Stories
from the culture sector in Africa The DOEN Foundation, The Netherlands, August 2010
thorough use of the MSC approach in an evaluation of an extensive international
culture programme. The stories are used for constructing relevant
domains of change and theories highlighting the developmental impact of
the activities.
I bring here the report and annexes by courtesy
of the consultant Claudia Fontes and the Dutch organisation DOEN
Read the report here:
How do you DOEN? Annexes:
A: List of participants C: MSC stories D: D-MS Selection and analysis
Videotaped MSC stories 2010
Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke/Action Aid in Central America have used the MSC method for annual partnership and programme reviews.
Click on the picture to see some examples.
Robyn Keriger: MSC Guide: Based on the
Experience of ADRA Laos
ADRA Laos & ADRA Australia, 2004 (published via download)
A very inspiring manual. According to a later evaluation, this pilot
MSC was a success. Below you can also get a rather large file of this
Read manual here:
MSC Guide
ADRA Download evaluation:
Rebecca Wrigley: Learning from Capacity
Building Practice:
Adapting the 'Most Significant Change' Approach to Evaluate Capacity
Building Provision by CABUNGO in Malawi
Praxix Paper No. 12, INTRAC, Oxford, December 2006
An interesting attempt to use MSC for evaluation purposes
Read here:
Bettina Ringsing: Learning about advocacy.
Monitoring as a tool for learning in Ibis South America
MSc Thesis, Wageningen University, The Netherlands, August 2003
This investigation explores MSC as a tool for monitoring an NGO's
advocacy endeavours.
Read here:
Adan Kabelo, Peter Sigsgaard, Charlton
Sulwe: Toolkit for TTT M&E. MSiS 2004-2005
MS Travelling Topic Team on M&E, 'Manual' for Mellemfolkeligt
Samvirke, Copenhagen 2004
Internal "How-to-do-it" introductory guide for in-house training in the
MSC technique and planning by using the QMC (Quarterly Monitoring
Read here:
Peter Sigsgaard: Advocacy Example QMC
Hypothetical case outlining planning for Advocacy interventions,
manus., 2005
This example was constructed on demand for a QMC addressing more "soft"
interventions areas than e.g. construction of water tanks etc.
Read here: